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Saved Responses, Response Sorting, and Widget Level Search
Saved Responses, Response Sorting, and Widget Level Search

How to navigate and use the search and sort features on open-ended widgets.

Allison McIllece-Lasswell avatar
Written by Allison McIllece-Lasswell
Updated over 4 months ago

Within each open-ended widget, located at the top of the response window, you will find a menu containing three useful features centered around helping users find the most relevant responses.

Saved Responses:

A user can save responses, to more quickly and easily reference them at a later time. When a user saves a response, it is saved only to that widget's "saved responses".

To save a response to a widget:

To save a response, select the bookmark icon located at the top right of each response.

Once selected, the bookmark icon turns purple, indicating that the response was successfully saved.

To un-save a response, simply select the same bookmark icon located at the top right of each response. Once selected, the bookmark icon reverts back to its default state (gray in color), indicating it has been un-saved.

To filter to all saved responses within a widget:

To filter to a widget's saved responses ("Show Saved"), click on the bookmark icon found on the left side of the widget bar, located at the top of the response window. The icon will turn purple, indicating that you are now seeing all of this widget's saved responses.

To turn off this filter, simply click "Show All" responses. The bookmark icon will turn back to gray, and the response window will go back to its default state.

"I clicked on the bookmark icon, but I am not seeing any responses. What does this mean?"

If you select the saved response filter and you don't see any responses, you'll likely see this message, indicating that your applied filter ("Show Saved") isn't returning any results.

There are a few reasons you may be seeing this message:

  • You have not yet saved any responses to this widget.

  • You have applied a segment to your dashboard that does not apply to any of your saved responses.

To fix these issues, simply select the bookmark icon again to "Show All" responses, and then either save a response (see instructions above) or toggle segmenting off (see instructions here).

Then, select the bookmark icon again to "Show Saved" responses. You should now see your saved response in the response window.

If you're still experiencing problems, please reach out to a Beehive AI representative.

About saved responses:

Saved responses are public, across your Workspace. If you save a response to a widget, all other users (within your Workspace) that interact with this widget will also see this response as saved.

Exporting dashboard results + saved responses:

After saving responses, a user may also review the saved responses for each widget upon dashboard export.

In the CSV export, each widget will have a column titled "{{widget_name}} --> Saved Response" that will indicate if a response is a saved response ("true") or is not a saved response ("false").

Response Sorting:

A user can sort responses, to more quickly identify unique and meaningful responses. Sorting responses changes the order in which the responses are presented in the response window.

Users can sort responses by the following parameters:

- # of Concepts (default)
- Response Length (Number of characters in a response)

- Date
- Sentiment Score

Each open-ended widget has a default sorting parameter applied to the response window, that affects the order in which responses are displayed. By default, responses are sorted by the number of concepts identified within them, and responses with the most identified concepts displayed at the top. This default sorting state can be overwritten by selecting a different sorting parameter from the dropdown list.

To change the applied sort:

Select a sorting parameter...

To select a sorting parameter, click on the sort dropdown to expand the list of available sorting parameters. Select your desired sorting parameter from the dropdown list to apply the sort.

Change the sort direction...

To change the direction of the applied sort, click on the arrow button until your desired direction is applied.

Below are a list of the currently available sorting parameters and directions...

  • # of Concepts (default)

    • ⬇️ Least to most identified concepts

    • ⬆️ Most to least identified concepts

  • Response Length

    • ⬇️ Least to most characters

    • ⬆️ Most to least characters

  • Date

    • ⬇️ Oldest to Newest

    • ⬆️ Newest to Oldest

  • Sentiment Score

    • ⬇️ Most Negative to Most Positive score

    • ⬆️ Most Positive to Most Negative score

Widget-Level Search:

A user can search through response data, at a widget level, to more quickly identify unique and meaningful concepts.

The widget-level search can be used in three capacities...

  1. Simple search: searching for a word-based query

  2. Concept search: searching for a concept-based query, by selecting a concept

  3. Combination Simple + Concept search: Selecting a concept, then searching for a word-based query

Simple Search:

Users can search for key-words and phrases using the search bar. To apply a simple search, type into the search bar and (without selecting concepts from the drop-down list) hit "Enter" or select the magnifying glass symbol.

Concept Search:

Upon clicking into the widget-level search bar, users may notice a drop-down appears, with a long list of concepts that can be selected, and applied. These concepts are the same ones that appear in the hierarchy on the left-hand side of each open-ended widget.

Selecting these concepts (mouse-click or arrow-key navigation + "Enter") will apply a search query that functions the same as selecting a concept from the concept hierarchy. Users will notice that selecting a concept from this drop-down will also open up the selected concept in the concept hierarchy.

Combination Simple + Concept search:

Users may elect for a more granular search by both selecting a concept, and applying a simple search query. This limits the simple-search to only the responses that are classified with the currently selected concept.

To apply a Combination Simple + Concept search, select a concept first (follow the steps outlined above), then re-enter the search bar. The selected concept should still appear in the search bar. Users can then type an additional query into the search bar, and hit "Enter" or select the magnifying glass symbol to apply.

Removing an applied search:

To remove a selected concept:

Select the "x" in the far right corner of the selected concept to remove the concept from the search bar and de-select the concept from the concept hierarchy.

To remove an applied search:

Select the purple "x" in the far right corner of the search bar to remove the applied search.

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