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Compare Segments

Learn how to get the most out of the Compare Segments feature on your Dashboard!

Allison McIllece-Lasswell avatar
Written by Allison McIllece-Lasswell
Updated over a year ago

What is the Compare Segments feature?

The "Compare Segments" feature serves as a crucial analytical tool, available to all users with access to Beehive AI dashboards. In many data analysis scenarios, it's essential to break down the data into smaller, more manageable subsets or segments. Segmentation allows users to focus on specific aspects or groups within a given dataset. These segments could be based on various criteria, such as demographics, user preferences, product categories, or any other relevant dimensions. The "Compare Segments" feature allows users to analyze and compare different segments of data or information based on the Segments (saved filters) saved to a dashboard.

Where can I find the Compare Segments feature?

This feature is located under the "Compare" tab, found alongside other tabs ("Responses," "Trends," etc.) on your dashboard interface.

Selecting segments to compare

Once segments are selected from the Saved Segments section of the Side nav, these selected segments will appear in a list at the top of the "Compare Segments" screen.

Editing selected segments using the side nav

To Edit the selected segments to compare, simply select or deselect segments from the Saved Segments section of the Side nav.

Toggling compared segments

Users have the option to toggle a compared segment "on" or "off." This means users can temporarily include or remove a segment from view (and from comparison), all within the same screen, without navigating to other menus or sections.

  1. When users toggle a compared segment "off" (deselect it in the list of compared segments), that segment is instantly removed from both the comparison table and the corresponding charts. This allows users to focus on the remaining segments and see how they perform without the deselected segment.

  2. If users want to include that segment back into comparison, it's as easy as toggling it "on" (re-selecting it in the list of compared segments). When you do this, the segment is added back to the comparison table and charts, allowing users to see its impact on the overall analysis.

Using "ALL" as a compared segment

By default, when users compare more than one segment, the "ALL" option is unselected. To include an aggregate view that combines all segments (i.e., "ALL"), follow these instructions:

Step 1: Selecting "ALL" for Comparison

  1. Begin by selecting the desired segments as normal, choosing them from the list of saved segments in the Side Nav.

  2. By default, "ALL" appears in the list of compared segments found above the charts, but is not selected for comparison.

  3. To include "ALL" in the comparison, click on the "ALL" option. This will add "ALL" as a segment for comparison.

Step 2: View "ALL" in Comparison.

Once the "ALL" option is selected, two key changes take place:

  1. First, "ALL" will be displayed as an additional bar in the comparison charts. This bar represents the combined data from all the selected segments, giving you an overview of how the entire dataset performs.

  2. Second, "ALL" will also be added as a segment for comparison in the table below the charts. This allows users to see detailed data and metrics related to the aggregated "ALL" segment.

Step 3: Remove "ALL" from Comparison.

If at any point users decide to remove the "ALL" segment from the comparison, it's a straightforward process:

  1. Locate "ALL" among the compared segments listed above the table.

  2. Simply deselect "ALL" by clicking on it again. This will remove "ALL" from both the comparison charts and the comparison table.

Using the Charts

Chart elements

Compared Segments within the data visualization charts are represented as distinct bars on a bar graph, and each individual chart displays a comprehensive view of all compared segments associated with a specific data source and value.

List of Chart elements:

  • Segment Bars

    • Segment Total (#)

    • Segment Percentage (%)

  • Value name

  • Data source name

When hovering over segment bars within each chart, a helpful tooltip will appear, displaying the segment name along with its corresponding value and data source.

Saving the current Chart view as an image

Users have the option to save their current chart view as an image in PNG format by simply clicking on the 'Save Image' button located at the top right corner of their screen, just above the data visualization charts.

Paginate the Charts

Users can easily navigate through the data visualization charts using the arrow buttons positioned on both the left and right sides. These arrows enable users to paginate the charts in two ways: they can choose to move one chart at a time, or opt for a more comprehensive view by paging through multiple charts at once.

How to remove a Chart from view

To manage which charts are displayed in the chart view, users can make use of checkboxes in the corresponding table rows. By selecting or deselecting these checkboxes, you have the ability to remove or add specific charts back into view. This feature grants users precise control over the charts they wish to include or exclude from their visual analysis.

Additionally, when users select or deselect a checkbox in one specific row, this action will also simultaneously affect all other corresponding rows that share the same data source and value.

Using the Table

Table elements

In order to be completely transparent with users’ data, we’ve included a lot of information in the Comparison Table! Let’s go through all of the elements column by column:

Data Sources

Data source refers to a specific question or item within a data collection. In the Data Sources column, there are two subcolumns:

  • Name: The name of the data source showing comparison. A data source could be a question from a survey, a hidden field, appended CRM information—anything that holds information that can be analyzed in our platform.

  • Answered: The number of responses that have information for a given data source, i.e., how many survey takers answered a question.


The Value column displays the Value Name, which indicates the comparison between the two segments. Depending on the data source, this Value may take the form of a multiple-choice option, an open-ended concept identified by the AI, or a CRM classification, among other possibilities.

Compared Segments

Compared Segments refers to the different filtered subsets of data that have been selected for comparison. The Compared Segments column has three subcolumns for each segment being compared:

  • Segment: The name of one of the saved segments selected for comparison.

  • Total: The total number of responses within a segment that apply to a given data source value.

  • (%): The percentage of the segment that applies to a given data source value.


Difference refers to to both the absolute and percent differences between the two Segments being compared. In the Difference column, there are two subcolumns that show the difference between two segments using different metrics:

  • Absolute: The difference between the numbers of responses within the compared segments that apply to a given data source value.

  • (%): The difference between the percentages of the compared segments that apply to a given data source value.


The P-value column displays the P-value for each comparison. P-value is used as a measure of statistical significance. P-values less than or equal to 0.05 are typically considered statistically significant. P-values outside of this threshold will appear grayed out.

Table sort

Users can sort the comparison table based on its columns. To identify how the comparison table is being sorted, locate the column with the arrow icon next to it. Users should pay attention to the direction the arrow is pointing, too!

The default sort of comparison tables is the difference percentage from high to low.

  1. To adjust the sorting, click the desired column name once. The default order will be highest to lowest value (i.e., descending).

  2. To reverse the order of the sorting, click the column name once again.

  3. To remove the applied sort, click the column name a third time.

    1. Note: the default table sort (difference percentage from high to low) cannot be removed from the table.

Filtering the Table

Users can control the information they see in their comparison table by implementing several different types of filters.

Filter to Compared segments

When viewing Compared Segments, the Segments with a higher percent (%) value will always appear in the left column, and Segments with a lower percent (%) value will always appear in the right column.

To view all the comparisons in which a specific Segment has the highest and/or lowest percentage value, users can utilize the "Segments" dropdown filter. This allows users to conveniently filter all comparisons based on a specific Segment.

Filter by Data source

To see comparisons for certain data sources presented in the table, or perhaps remove other data sources from the table, follow these steps:

Step 1: Click “SELECT DATA SOURCE(S).”

  1. A window will appear with filters of the main data source types (i.e., open-ended and close-ended), the groups the table data sources appear in, and each data source presented in the table.

Step 2: Filter the desired types of data sources (if applicable).

  1. Users can select only open-ended data sources by clicking “OPEN-ENDED,” which will automatically deselect all close-ended data sources. Clicking “CLOSE-ENDED” will do the opposite.

  2. To undo the automatic deselections, click “ALL.”

Step 3: Select and deselect data sources and groups as needed.

  1. Clicking the checkbox next to a group will select/deselect all of the data sources within that group.

  2. Clicking the checkbox next to individual data sources will select/deselect only that data source.

Step 4: Click “APPLY.”

  1. All of the data source specifications will appear in the table!

Set thresholds for numeric values

Depending on the segment definitions, there may be some comparisons that aren’t as relevant. For example, if the segments compared are customers whose favorite color is blue and customers whose favorite color is red, then the data source that asks “What is your favorite color?” would obviously show a 100% difference.

To filter to more relevant comparison metrics, users can set thresholds and control what appears in the table. Here’s how:

Step 1: Click “SET THRESHOLD(S).”

  1. A window will appear with several metrics for which users can set thresholds.

Step 2: Adjust thresholds for each metric.

  1. Use the sliding scales to set either a bottom or top threshold for the relevant metrics.

  2. Click or drag either side of the sliding scale to adjust the thresholds exactly as desired.

Step 3: Click “APPLY.”

  1. Poof! The comparisons table will clean up according to the adjusted threshold specifications.

Export the Table

The table export function empowers users to preserve the compare segments table exactly as it appears at the moment of export. This includes preserving any applied settings, such as sorting, filtering, and other formatting. Exports will always be in CSV format.

Paginate the Table

Users can easily navigate through the comparison table using the arrow buttons positioned on the right side. These arrows enable users to paginate the table and view all available generated comparisons. The total number of generated comparisons and the number of rows currently in view appear next to the pagination arrows, so users will be able to understand the scope of the table.


Users can adjust the number of table rows that appear per page. They simply need to click the “Rows per page” drop-down list and set the number of rows they would like to see at one time.

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